Posts Tagged ‘Light Distortion’
Image I Liked. Author Unknown.
I found this image on Tumblr, but i was unable to track the source. This may be an installation or a protective piece of film used for some purpose, or possibly this image has been altered in photoshop. This wall,curtain,barrier creates a light distortion and looks like water.
Read MoreObject out of perspex sheets and metal rings.
#art #uni #crit #perspex #metal #sculpture #youngartist #transparent #white #silver #bag #rings #artstudent A post shared by Valerija Zukova (@valzukova) on Nov 11, 2016 at 10:04am PST I made an object that i did a sketch of in my sketchbook. Before attaching the last side to the cube I took a photo of the object…
Read MoreInside: Artists and Writers in Reading Prison. Photos. Felix Gonzales-Torres.Untitled (water) 1995
This would have to be the work I liked most. The light blue color stood out immediately and the gloss. It stood out from the rest of the surroundings due to it’s nature. As in you would not expect to see door beads in prison. I think so. Something that is used as…
Read MoreSteve McQueen. Weight. 2016
` An expensive,luxurious object placed in to a small prison cell. Romanticizing inprisonment. This room was bigger than the other ones. I think that is why this piece was shown in this room. The luxury space in prison. The reason why i mentioned romanticization is because when i see a net like this or…
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