Posts Tagged ‘Geometry’
1 object. Edited photos.
The shapes one object can take. I am interested in creating a stop motion animation with more photographs of the object morphing from one shape to another.
Read MoreAnimation images. Heart beat.
My objects have been compared to a hear. I decided to create a stop motion video using 2 images. I will be illustrating a heart beat that changes. I will edit the sound myself and take the sample form one of the free sound libraries. The video will be approximately 2/3 minutes long Heartbeat. The…
Read MoreRose. Edited photos.
I like this composition. I like the simplicity of it. How these 7 objects create a 7 petal flower. Complex objects creating a simple recognizable shape. The simplicity of it may hint to it being childish perhaps? The color red. I have stated previously that I am interested in the gray and red shade and…
Read MoreSolo Show. Photos
Perspex sheets and metal rings.
My Solo Show. “8”
For my solo show I have decided to create an installation in the small space. I chose the project space because i was interested in hanging some of my sculptures from the ceiling. I proposed a collection of sculptures made out of clear and potentially red Perspex sheets with black metal rings, that join the pieces…
Read MorePortfolio design.
Read MoreTesting hanging.
Testing out if it can hang and not break. I like how distorted it looks, however i have a massive problem with this hanging, due to it reminding me of a lamp shade. Hanging the object stretches it out and makes it look bigger than the ones on the floor.
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