About the website design.
I have looked at many artist websites , the websites i have shared here in this blog.
I decided to go for the black red white and grey.
I wanted to create a simple to use website, with loads of images.
The menu bar at the top is black and has the buttons that take you to other pages with the relevant content, chose white text as it would stand out most.
In the background there is a slide show that show’s my works.
On the mobile however, this menu appears as a little square on the left top side of the screen.
I gave a few people to have a look, but i could not understand why nobody clicked it, i though it was obvious that a square with lines on a phone usually symbolizes a menu.
So i decided to add a small visible text to that button . I did not want it to be bright as that seems too obvious to me.
So having it not too noticeable seems like a good idea. Like a little hint.
I was more focused on the final look of the website.
So for em the most important was to add good photos of my work and add equal small descriptions – name, size,amount etc
I have also decided to host all the writing that i did in the about section under a link text
Info being a short description of what i do next to a collage photo of myself.
About will take to 3 new links
– info (information about me)
-text (my artist statements)
-dissertation(my dissertation pdf)
Contact – taking to a page that has my email address and instagram ocount,and a form to send emails with a verification thing that filters spam.
And Miscellaneos – containing images of old and new work. The work that i decided not to create folders for.