White sealed cube.
After a successful unassembling of the object with 8 pieces per side I have decided to go for quantity instead of size.
Due to a few broken pieces I have cut the parts that could be used in to smaller pieces and replaced the missing parts.
This way (4 pieces per side) the objects are more stable and flexible, less pressure on the rings and it is even possible to stack them on top of each other as i planned.
Really happy to find out that my plan is working.
As mentioned before i am going to try and keep them sealed as long as possible to avoid dust and fingerprints and stains.
After i have cleaned the small object the rings became rusty, so now i have to take that apart and rebuild it.
I like these objects now, but will it still be as appealing to me when i take the white film of it?
It is very hart to make any plans or assumptions at this point on how it will look in the space.
Now it is noticeable because it is white,it may get lost once it is transparent.